Monday, January 18, 2010

REDucation or RED Education is back for 2010

If any of you has wondered how you gain a foothold on this new technology, I'm here to give you a heads up. REDucation is again starting up for 2010. Unlike the previous three 7 day courses in downtown LA, the flow of the class has been revamped. It's changed from two separate classes (RED in production and RED in post), to one full course that provides both production and post for the RED. It's also been shortened to 6 days, and the next class will be in Las Vegas, set to coincide with NAB. This is a great class to take, you learn so much, and the next class will include more info for the still photographer moving to motion. In the last class of 46 students, there were 5 still photographers. if you'd like more info, feel free to comment, or drop me a line at


Just in Time

As we've seen over the past few months, motion cameras have been involved on magazine covers. To date Esquire (photographer Greg Williams), W (photographer Steven Klein) and Time magazines have published images created with the RED camera. Esquire UK (April 2009) was the first to publish a cover image shot with the RED of Megan Fox, and this past December Time published the year ending cover shot with the RED (photographer Finlay MacKay).

While many shooters are hedging their bets, and shooting their covers with a Canon or a medium format digital back, others are breaking new ground and shooting their covers with the RED. RED when shot properly, will produce amazing images, and at 24 frames per second, you have so much content to chose from.

In a future installment, I will reveal some amazing RED still captures, and show prints over 16X20 that rival digital still, stay tuned.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Element Technica 3D

Technology is moving faster than most of us can learn it. We raced to learn digital capture after a life of learning how to shoot and expose film. In the past 12 months we've seen another big change in our industry.

Print advertising has scaled back, ad agencies have cut their workforce (some by half) and their need for what once was our bread and butter, the delivery of the still image. They are looking at the new ways in which to capture the public attention. The web, outdoor advertising, indoor advertising, Vimeo, YouTube, Facebook, Hulu and more are now outlets for advertising, movies, and television.

As we start to gaze into the crystal ball to look into the future we also see that 3D is making a strong push, and companies like Element Technica are developing equipment in which to help create content for this emerging technology. Many of the current movies in production are 3D. All the major TV makers have 3D units (Phillips, Toshiba, Sony, Samsung, LG, Panasonic) and with broadcast starting to air 3D this summer (ESPN 3D Sports Network) the game is again changing. No longer will we need to don our silly glasses in a theater, we will be wearing our designer 3D glasses at home.

The rig pictured above (named Quazar) is set to handle large camera such as RED, Genesis or Arri. ET has at least two other models which will accommodate cameras such as the Canon 5D or 7D, and the much anticipated RED Scarlet and Epic.

If you like the photo, thanks, I shot it.


Canon Commercial shot with Canon 5D MK 2


This past week Canon (Japan, not USA) shot a commercial using their own Canon 5D MKII as capture device. The shoot was headed up by Director of Photography Gale Tattersall of House fame.

Gale contacted Von Thomas of Image Mechanics to assist in prep for the shoot. Images Mechanics has been at the fore of motion with both RED and 5D MKII. Gale had many questions he wanted answered before he committed to the 5D (RED was the other option). Even though the shoot were not complicated, Gale needed to know it's strengths and weaknesses. We tested the 5D two weeks leading up to the actual shoot. Extensive tests in shutter speed range, ISO rating, camera panning, blue and green screen and color temperature were performed.

After the initial tests the content was taken to Encore Hollywood post facility to analyze the test. After viewing all the info, the 5D was given the thumbs up. The ability to shoot a major ad campaign with the 5D MKII is a game changer. Shortly Canon will roll out it's firmware for 24 and 25P, this will give the camera greater latitude, and acceptance with established filmmakers.
