Friday, November 11, 2011

Teradek Cube

I love technology, it always amazes me, and improves my quality of life, and that extends to the work area as well. Intro the Cube 120, a device for on set streaming of live video to iPads and H.264 files to a laptop or computer.

As a DIT, I produce dailies on set, this is done by creating 720P H.264 files from my RED R3D RAW files, and Alexa files. This is a process, and it takes a bit of time, the Cube, eliminates this process, and gives me on the fly dailies produced in REAL TIME. For a more custom look to your dailies, create a LUT in camera, and voil a your streaming dailies will have a very welcoming look.

For those using the new RED Epic, on camera playback is not yet functional, so the Cube will solve that problem. Check more out at


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