Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy New Year - The Sky has fallen

It's been a long time since I last blogged, but this brought me out into the light again.

Today News Corp with Rupert Murdoch and Apple launched "The Daily", The first national daily newspaper without the paper, and made (at this time) for the iPad.

Back in October 2009, I blogged on The Future of Print Advertising.. "The Sky is Falling", and told of coming days when print will be replaced in some forms with reusable electronic devices. It's clear why this is happening, the low costs to produce a daily paper without the high costs of printing it. Look for more of this happening in the coming months.

One question that comes to mind is advertising, and how this will change the scope of print advertising forever. I see the day when more and more still photographers will make more use of their Canon 5D MKII's, RED One and Epic cameras to provide the content for this new latest of social information. The uses for this will be endless, vertical advertising, traditional advertising, still, motion, sharing on FaceBook, Twitter and others is now in play.

While Apple will be exclusive in the beginning, other tablet makers will also be using this new way of selling the news.


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